I have seen this sun oven a few times, no room on the boat for this solar collector. |
Making Bread, the thermometer was just over 200 degrees. |
The Admiral attended a Jewelry making group at the marina. |
The music continues every Saturday Night, the crowds have grown 150+ |
Gary Diamond is the Anchor. |
Right next to the marina is the city's amphitheater, there have been three music festivals here, this one was a three day festival featuring Local Keys Talent and some from Miami. |
Felix earned a Rat Wake since he was so smart and took over three weeks for the boat owner to finally get him. |
Many warm words were spoken for Felix |
Everyone signed the viewing and wrote a final message to be buried with Felix. |
Taps were played and a final toast to Felix. |
Captain Jack (just had his 91st birthday party) bestows Hibiscus to the ladies, the Admiral sports hers on her hat. |
Got my new mask and snorkel, I really love the new snorkel with the choke valve, got her clean this time and the Hooka worked great. |
Little Northern Flicker |
The Pirates showed up for the showing of "The Pirates of the Caribbean " movie |
there was a contest for the best Dressed Pirate |
Aaaargh! |
Cruisers bring there cars with them, the parking lot is over flowing , counted over 150 cars. |
There are 13 boats anchored out now waiting for a mooring ball. |
But don't worry if you are headed this way, this is the Buddy Boat List and most of them are just waiting for a weather window to make a break for the Bahamas. So when the winds are just right there will be 10 mooring balls available! |
The Coast Guard intercepted this Cuban Raft, the occupants did not make it to American soil so they will be deported. |
They used spray foam to form the hulls and then it was covered with orange tarp materials. Not sure how many were aboard? |
Well it is the High point in High Season here in Boot Key Harbor. 13 vessels are anchored out waiting on the waiting list for a mooring ball, but they won't have to wait long as when there are two good days of weather for crossing the Gulf Stream at least 23 vessels will take off for the Bahamas. The parking lot is full. For those of you who think Cruisers do not own cars just take a look at the parking lot here. Every spot is full, there must be 150 vehicles of every kind here. Mostly these types of cruisers just find a way to go back and get the car when they decided to stay somewhere a month or more. There are cars scattered all over the East Coast just parked till there owner decides he needs it.
We have been fortunate to attend seminars for cruising the The Bahamas (generally), The Abaccos, the Exhumas, and one on one on Beyond the Bahamas. There have also been seminars on SSB/HAM Radio, Jewelry Making, Knot Tying, Splicing Double Braid is coming up, Solar Panels and Wind Generation,
and Refrigeration. All of these free given by cruisers who volunteer through the Cruisers Net to share the wealth of their knowledge. This is like a Commune for retired people who just happen to be cruising around on boats, but there are several 30 somethings sprinkled in along with their kids. One family of five children live on a big Catamaran The kids are home schooled and I have to say they all certainly know their manners. Very polite and all but the youngest can all drive a dingy by themselves. Everyone shares their particular skill or expertise with the Harbors community. I did a seminar on SeaClear II (navigational software), the Admiral helps teach Yoga and Tai Chi.
Last week a Wake was held for Felix the Rat. The Captain felt he was worth of an honorable ceremony commemorating his life since it took him 3 1/2 weeks to capture and kill the rat. The Captain invited all to the Wake held at the Chiki Hut. The Admiral attended in the name of Wand'rin Star. All signed a document along with a personal message to be buried with Felix. Rat Trivia was discussed at the Wake and ended with Taps and a fine Toast to Felix's life.
We attended our second movie at the Chiki Hut. The first one was "Captain Ron", last night they showed "Pirates of the Caribbean". These movies are way better when viewed along with about 60 other cruisers.
Everyone did their best to wear some pirate stuff, a prize was given to the best dressed Pirate, and there were a lot of mighty fine Pirates in the Harbor that night.
Years ago you would hear on the news of Cubans floating on small rafts to the US. Never did I think it was still going on. The Coast guard towed a large dingy like craft into the Harbor and had it impounded on part of the city marina property. I was amazed at how anyone would cross the 90 or so miles in a homemade craft like this. I mean they just get in and let the Gulf Stream carry them to Florida and hope the winds and currents will take them to land! Anyone surviving this should be allowed to stay, they are real survivors and just think how talented their children will be!
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